Monday, December 8, 2014

Why are we afraid of Silence?

1 Kings 19:11-12 
Eternal One: Leave this cave, and go stand on the mountainside in My presence.
The Eternal passed by him. 
The mighty wind separated the mountains and crumbled every stone before the Eternal. This was not a divine wind, for the Eternal was not within this wind. After the wind passed through, an earthquake shook the earth. This was not a divine quake, for the Eternal was not within this earthquake. After the earthquake was over, there was a fire. This was not a divine fire, for the Eternal was not within this fire.After the fire died out, there was nothing but the sound of a calm breeze. And through this breeze a gentle, still voice entered into Elijah’s ears. He covered his face with his cloak and went to the mouth of the cave. Suddenly, Elijah was surprised.
Eternal One: Why are you here, Elijah? What is it that you desire? 

    Today's world is non-stop and NOISY!  The only quiet we can find is often after we go to sleep?  However, even our sleep is sometimes bombarded by leftover noises from our life.  Blaring TVs selling youth serums and stronger bodies, endless pain and suffering from biased news casts or senseless movies filled with all too realistic story lines.  Endlessly playing in the background to cover up our Silence.

God is still speaking to us just as He was Elijah on Mount Horeb, not in the wind, nor the earthquakes or even the fires of life but in a still small voice.

A voice best heard in the Silence.
Why are we afraid of the silence?
Does it make us remember loves lost,  past regrets, or our many mistakes?  

Maybe it reminds of fears?  
        Fear of death?     Fear of life?    Fear of failure?

    For whatever reasons, we constantly numb our minds with noise.  Any and every distraction to cover up the quiet.  Stillness is a word to be feared and avoided.  Every waking moment must be filled or we aren't being productive members of society.  

    A wise man once said,"silence is golden", but every golden moment is filled with echoes of distraction.

Silence makes us Stop.
   Silence makes us Listen.
        Silence makes us Reflect.

Silence can bring us Peace.  If we would only listen for HIS still small voice.

Let's try it out!     Listen!    NO.   Stop and really Listen.

     Can you hear God's voice whispering?    
              "I love you."     "I have great plans for your life."    "I'm here waiting patiently for one moment of silence, so you can hear me."

If you don't know him it's as easy as ABC.

Admit ....... That you've sinned and need forgiveness
Believe ..... That Jesus died on the cross and rose again for your sins to be forgiven.
Confess ...  Tell someone that you've asked Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour

                                                            Just Listen 

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