Sunday, May 4, 2014


     It seems insurmountable!  How can we possibly make this happen? What in the world was I thinking?  
    Thoughts are sometimes the greatest obstacles we face, when  God asks us to step out and do a new thing.  Since God planted the vision to start this class in January, we have had quite a few stumbling blocks.  
    First of all, social media is not the way I interact with others.  I had never blogged, tweeted or posted  anything in my life.  I prefer to talk and interact with real people.  It was big day when I was able to text my first reply where everything was spelled correctly.  Buffy, on the other hand is much more accepting of new things and as a result has a much better grasp on social media.  Being a female she is a born multi-tasker and able to respond electronically and verbally with ease.
    It seemed at first that we were simply going to do a bible study class with young men and women who had graduated from Youth group and were not yet evolved in some form of ministry in the church.  God, however sees things from a much greater angle of vision. The class grew from just a study of Daniel and Ruth to a life study of Integrity and Committment.  It was no longer a weekly class held in the church building but now a group with unlimited members who would be able to interact via social media and only meet once a month as a physical group.  Perceptions was born!  What God intended was what He always calls us to do--See the world through His eyes!  

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