Thursday, May 29, 2014


Integrity- The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness, the state of being whole and undivided.
Can we say of this world today that integrity is easily found? Where can we show integrity in our own lives? What are the consequences of not walking in integrity? These questions may come to mind when we consider the meaning of the word integrity but would we be able to demonstrate this quality if we faced a real trial.
Daniel and his friends were able through their faith in God to be men of integrity in a world completely removed from the one they had been raised. They were completely removed from their homeland and family and taken into an alien place where no one ate the same foods or had the same orals or worshipped the same God. Yet they had the integrity to stand up and ask to be allowed to do things the right way. Not the popular way, not the easy way and not even the expected way but the right way. Through your reading of Daniel chapter 1 take time to ask God for a deeper insight into the places inside your heart where integrity is ingrained or where you lack the needed integrity to withstand the worldly things encountered daily. If you find anything that would separate you from serving God with integrity ask Him to help you to be an over comer in that area. Let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart in such a way that you know, that you know, what is the correct and perfect way to walk in integrity.

Read Daniel Chapter 1
What would you do?

Psalms 25:21
Psalms 26:1-5
Matthew 5:41
Choose the more excellent way.

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